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Navigating the Ins and Outs of Employee Retention Credit

Employee retention

Hey there, folks! If you've been hearing buzz about something called the "Employee Retention Credit," you're in for a treat. Imagine a superhero cape for your business during tough times, helping you keep your team intact and the ship sailing smoothly. Sounds intriguing, right? Well, let's dive into what this credit is all about in a casual and informative way.

What's the Hype About?

Alright, picture this: you're a business owner, steering your ship through choppy waters. Suddenly, a storm hits, and you're facing revenue declines or even government-ordered shutdowns. But wait, there's a lifeboat named the Employee Retention Credit ready to save the day!

In simple terms, the Employee Retention Credit is like a high-five from the government, encouraging businesses to keep their employees onboard even during tough times, like the economic rollercoaster we've been on lately (thanks, COVID-19!). It's part of the big ol' CARES Act party, which was all about doling out help during the pandemic.

What's in it for Businesses?

Okay, let's break it down for all you business owners out there. Imagine this credit as a magical treasure chest full of gold coins (well, tax credits, to be exact) that you can use to offset some of your payroll taxes. So, if you've been paying wages to your crew, you might just be eligible to claim a chunk of those wages back through this credit.

Now, there are rules, of course. You'll need to meet certain criteria, like experiencing a drop in revenue or dealing with government restrictions. But if you qualify, it's like finding a hidden shortcut to financial relief during challenging times.

Employee Retention Credit 101

Alright, let's break it down a bit further. If your business qualifies, you can claim a percentage of qualified wages paid to your employees as a credit. Qualified wages include the wages you pay to your employees during the period you're eligible for the credit.

The percentage you can claim varies based on the time period we're talking about. In the early days of the pandemic, the credit was set at 50% of qualified wages, up to a certain limit. Fast forward a bit, and the credit has had some upgrades. It's now a whopping 70% of qualified wages, up to a higher cap. More moolah in your pocket to weather the storm, right?

Eligibility Dance

Alright, here's where it gets a bit technical, so hold onto your hats. To qualify for the Employee Retention Credit, your business needs to check a few boxes:

1. Revenue Reduction: 

If your business has seen a significant drop in gross receipts compared to the same quarter in the previous year, you might be in luck.

2. Government Shutdown: 

If your business operations were partially or fully suspended due to government orders, you could be eligible.

Remember, though, rules and eligibility criteria can change faster than the latest dance craze on TikTok. It's always a good idea to have a chat with a tax professional who's got their finger on the pulse of these things.

Employee Retention Credit  2021 vs 2022 Comparison Chart

Here's a detailed comparison chart outlining the changes in the Employee Retention Credit from 2021 to 2022:


Employee Retention Credit 2021

Employee Retention Credit 2022

Credit Percentage

50% of qualified wages

70% of qualified wages

Qualified Wages Limit

$10,000 per employee per year

$10,000 per employee per quarter (Q3 and Q4 2021) / $10,000 per employee per quarter (Q1 and Q2 2022)

Maximum Credit Amount

$5,000 per employee per year

$7,000 per employee per quarter (Q3 and Q4 2021) / $7,000 per employee per quarter (Q1 and Q2 2022)

Eligibility Criteria

Gross receipts decline of 50% or more in a quarter compared to the same quarter in 2019 OR being subject to full or partial government shutdowns due to COVID19

Gross receipts decline of 20% or more in a quarter compared to the same quarter in 2019 OR being subject to full or partial government shutdowns due to COVID19

Qualified Wage Cap

$10,000 per employee per year

$10,000 per employee per quarter (Q3 and Q4 2021) / $10,000 per employee

Summary of Changes:

  •  The credit percentage has increased from 50% to 70% in 2022, which means eligible businesses can claim a higher percentage of qualified wages as a tax credit.

  • The limit on qualified wages has remained consistent at $10,000 per employee per year in 2021, but it has been adjusted to $10,000 per employee per quarter in 2022. This change allows for a potentially higher credit amount per employee.

  •  The maximum credit amount per employee per year has increased from $5,000 to $7,000 in 2022. This change aligns with the higher credit percentage and increased qualified wage limits.

  •  The eligibility criteria for 2022 have been slightly modified. To qualify in 2022, businesses need to show a gross receipts decline of 20% or more in a quarter compared to the same quarter in 2019. This is a reduction from the 50% requirement in 2021. The option of being subject to full or partial government shutdowns due to COVID 19 remains as a qualifying factor.

  •  The qualified wage cap remains unchanged at $10,000 per employee per year in 2021, but it is split into quarters in 2022 due to the adjusted qualified wage limits.

A Quick Shoutout to Employees


Hey, you incredible employees! While the Employee Retention Credit is a big deal for businesses, let's chat about something that's all about you: finding your path. In these times of economic ebbs and flows, discovering the right career path can be as exciting as stumbling upon buried treasure.

It's no secret that job markets can get a bit choppy. But guess what? Just like businesses adapting to change, you too can navigate through these challenges and carve out a path that aligns with your passions and skills.

Whether you're aiming to switch industries, explore a new role, or climb the ladder in your current field, remember that finding your fit is like discovering a hidden gem. So, while businesses are dealing with their own financial adventures, take the time to embark on your journey of growth and exploration.

This might mean upskilling yourself, networking, or even seeking guidance from mentors who've walked a similar path. You've got a unique set of skills and dreams, and finding the right career path is like unlocking your own treasure trove of opportunities.

Remember, just as the Employee Retention Credit offers a helping hand to businesses, you've got the tools to create your own path forward. Embrace change, stay curious, and keep moving towards those goals. After all, you're the captain of your own ship, navigating the seas of your career journey. So, onwards and upwards, my friend! 

In a Nutshell

So, there you have it, folks! The Employee Retention Credit is like a superhero cape for businesses facing stormy seas. It's a government thumbs-up to keep your crew onboard during rough patches. If your business meets the eligibility criteria, you could be eligible for a percentage of qualified wages as a tax credit, helping you weather the storm.

And for you fantastic employees out there, remember that finding the right career path is like navigating a treasure map. Sometimes, the best gems are hidden just around the corner. So keep exploring, keep growing, and keep those dreams alive.

Remember, this article is like a snapshot in time. Rules and regulations might change quicker than you can say "Employee Retention Credit," so it's always a good idea to stay updated through official sources or a friendly tax pro. Happy navigating, folks!